Birch Trail

3+bedroom, 1-3/4 bath Redington East home must be seen to be appreciated. Located in a private and quiet setting, the home offers views of Sugarloaf’s slopes.

This lovely home was finished with quality materials and decorated with creative touches throughout

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. Three levels of living offers lots of space and light. The comfortable main level living area and kitchen are joined by a centrally situated wood stove.
Additionally, radiant floor heat offers comfort and efficiency.

The fully applianced kitchen, designed for gourmet cooking, has a breakfast bar with counter chairs. Features include a gas stove, oversized side-by-side refrigerator freezer and granite counters. A large pantry compliments the plentiful cupboard space. There’s also a stainless work station.  The formal dining room, just off the kitchen, has a stainless topped table with leather seating for 8.

The upper level master bedroom has a queen size bed. With the telescope, you can see how long the lift line might be….

The 2nd bedroom, with a “vinyl” headboard,has a king size soft side water bed. There’s a number of closets including a large walk-in closet. The bath on this level. with granite, stone tiles and lots of glass,contains a large walk-in shower.
The washer dryer is also on the upper level.

The lower level bedroom has a top-of-the line queen sleep sofa. There’s additional space on this level for more sleeping. The hot tub room is also found on the lower level.
The lower level full bath has a stainless vanity top.  The upper level landing features some creative use of glass and mirrors.